Programs & Services
AOEC strives:
high quality clinical services
To encourage the provision of high quality clinical services for people with work or environmentally related health problems.
share information
To provide a means for occupational and environmental health clinics to share information that will better enable them to diagnose and treat occupational and environmental diseases.
issues related to patient care
To increase communication among clinics concerning issues related to patient care.
liaison between clinics and agencies
To facilitate liaison between clinics and agencies responsible for workplace and environmental monitoring. To provide a source of data for research projects related to occupational and environmental health.
AOEC Hazardous Exposure and Asthmagen Codes
The AOEC Exposure Code List was first developed in 1994, for use by AOEC members in order to help systematically identify both existing and emerging occupational and environmental health concerns. The AOEC encourages open access to the information and resources it has developed. The AOEC Exposure Codes Look-Up includes a wide range of exposures including not only chemicals but exposures to metals, dusts, plants, animals etc. as well as physical hazards e.g. falls, lifting, repetitive strains, etc.
Occupational Asthmagens
AOEC is funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), in collaboration with researchers at Michigan State University, to perform systematic searches of the English peer reviewed medical literature for potential work-related asthmagens.
See more information on AOEC’s Hazardous Exposure and Asthmagen Codes
Occupational Health Internship Program
OHIP is a national summer internship dedicated to helping you learn about the field of occupational safety and health from those with most at stake: working people. The Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP) is a full time, paid summer internship designed to link the skills and interests of students with the needs of workers employed in an under-served or high hazard job.
Read more
OEM-List is a dynamic, daily e-mail discussion forum of occupational and environmental health topics, sponsored by AOEC and located at the University of North Carolina. Launched over 20 years ago by Dr. Gary Greenberg at Duke University, the OEM-List virtual community is the largest and oldest mail list in occupational and environmental health and has immediate reach to over 3,800 addresses in 75 countries. Topics change daily and can range from clinical issues, such as return to work after COVID-19 or patient exposure to PFAS, to telemedicine, to updates on spirometry training. Once a week, reports of interest to OEM-List members from CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Review (MMWR) are posted to all members.
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Union Support
AOEC works closely with unions to support research, service and training to protect the health of workers.
Learn more about Union Support