Membership Levels
The three membership levels (AOEC Full Clinic Membership, AOEC Associate Clinic Membership, and Individual Membership) are described below:
Clinics that meet the criteria for Full Clinic Membership are featured on AOEC’s website. AOEC regularly receives inquiries from prospective clients, unions, advocacy groups, and health agencies and directs these inquiries to the clinic members. AOEC clinic directories are provided to a number of government agencies including the NIOSH toll free hotline, ATSDR Emergency Response line, OSHA, EEOC, and others as requested. AOEC clinics are also listed as a resource in the ATSDR Case Studies.
The criteria for Full Clinic Membership includes the following:
- Patient-centered, multi-disciplinary, and public health approach to healthcare.
- Staffing requirements:
- Onsite physician with either board certification in occupational and environmental medicine (OEM) or demonstrated expertise in OEM.
- On staff or consulting industrial hygienist.
- On staff or referral network for other OEM professionals, including certified occupational health nurses (COHN), health educators, and social workers.
- Accept referrals from any source, including patient self-referral.
- Adhere to AOEC’s Patient Bill of Rights [English Version | Spanish Version]
- Adhere to the International Commission on Occupational Health’s Code of Ethics
Clinic members elect five of the nine AOEC Board of Directors.
Membership Fee: $550/year
View a complete description of Criteria for Clinic Membership.
Application for clinic membership, click here:
Clinic Membership Application FormFor further questions, contact AOEC.
Some clinics may not meet all of the criteria for Full Clinic Membership but still wish to join AOEC. The AOEC Associate Clinic Membership allows the clinic to participate in collaborative research and educational activities. However, Associate clinic members do not have representation on the AOEC Board of Directors and are not featured on the AOEC website. AOEC will still refer individual inquiries to Associate Clinics with regard to location and needs of the inquirer if a full AOEC member clinic cannot meet the needs. AOEC encourages associate member clinics to strive for Full Clinic Membership and will fast-track applications once the associate clinic meets all criteria for full membership.
Membership Fee: $350/year
Application for clinic membership, click here:
Clinic Membership Application FormFor further questions, contact AOEC.
Individual Membership is open to any person who shares the goals of AOEC. Dues are $100 per year. For students and retirees, dues are $50 per year. Individual members may participate in all AOEC meetings and conferences and may serve on the Board of Directors. Individual members elect four members to the Board of Directors. See Benefits for further information on benefits of joining AOEC.
Application for individual membership, click here:
Individual Membership Application FormFor further questions, contact AOEC.