What is AOEC?

Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics

The Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC) was founded in 1987 to support communication among clinics and clinicians dedicated to providing high-quality, worker and patient-centered care to people with work-related injuries and illnesses or with exposures to environmental hazards.  Since its founding, AOEC has grown to a network of more than 40+ clinics and 150 individual members committed to improving the practice of occupational and environmental medicine through information sharing and collaborative research, service and training.

AOEC is committed to expanding its presence at the national level by keeping members informed about developments within the federal government and by coordinating involvement in legislative and regulatory hearings and other proceedings which are of interest and/or potential benefit to our membership. Some of AOEC’s ongoing activities include: publishing a monthly newsletter for members, managing the OEM-List, supporting the 20-year OESH pipeline internship program (OHIP), and operating a standardized database of Exposure and Asthmagen Codes.

AOEC Goals

To aid in identifying, reporting, and preventing occupational and environmental health hazards and their effects. 

To encourage the provision of high-quality clinical services for people with work or environmentally related health problems.

To increase communication among occupational and environmental health clinics by sharing information that will better enable them to diagnose and treat occupational and environmental diseases.

To facilitate liaison between clinics and agencies responsible for workplace and environmental monitoring.

To provide a source of data for research projects related to occupational and environmental health.