
Connect with Occupational and Environmental Medicine Clinicians through the AOEC Clinic Directory.

The directory lists our AOEC member clinics throughout the U.S. and Canada with detailed information on making appointments, services provided, and particular expertise available.

If you would like to become an AOEC Clinic Member, join our network.

Find a Clinic

Connect with AOEC by becoming an individual member.

Discounts provided for students and retirees.

Join our Network

Connect to current job and internship opportunities

Connect to current job and internship opportunities in occupational and environmental health on our Jobs & Internships webpage, including the Occupational Health Internship Program sponsored every summer through AOEC.

If you would like your announcement about job openings or internship opportunities posted on our website, please send it to

Jobs & Internships

Connect to current funding opportunities and research grants

Connect to current funding opportunities and research grants in occupational and environmental health on our Funding & Research Opportunities webpage.

Funding & Research Opportunities

Connect to training programs, educational resources, listservs and blogs

Connect to training programs, educational resources, listservs and blogs focusing on occupational and educational health.

Training and educational resources

Learn about Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Are you a physician or medical student who is looking for a unique and rewarding specialty that stands out from traditional medical care? Maybe a medical student who wants to learn more about Occupational and Environmental (OEM) residency training options? A practicing physician who is burned out on your chosen specialty and searching for something better? Somebody who heard about OEM from a friend or colleague, but doesn’t know anybody in the specialty and is having a hard time finding helpful information? Regardless of your reason for looking into OEM, you’ve come to the only website dedicated to answering all the key questions you have about the best specialty in medicine.

Getting started in OEM


Contact us at 1-888-347-2632 (toll-free) or 202-347-4976
