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WVU Occupational Medicine provides full-spectrum, multidisciplinary services to meet the health and safety needs of workers and employers in WV and the surrounding regions.
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Workers Compensation
WVU Occupational Medicine, Student Health Building
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Clinic Description

WVU Occupational Medicine

We provide pre-placement and fitness-for-duty examinations for employees in many different industries. When workplace injuries or exposures occur, our physicians provide prompt and efficient treatment focused on getting the injured worker rapidly back to work. Assistance is provided to ensure employer compliance with federal and state regulations. We also offer employee monitoring programs to assess hearing loss, chemical exposure, and drug and alcohol testing are available.

Our occupational medicine clinic is located in the Student Health Building, which also houses urgent care, radiology, and laboratory services. We also provide on-site services for workers and employers.

Consultations-Environmental, Consultations-Occupational, Consultations-Medico-Legal, Diagnosis-Occupational and Environmental Injuries and Illnesses, DOT Exams, Drug screening, FAA (Federal Aviation Association) exam, Fitness for Duty Evaluation, Hearing Testing (audiometry), Immunizations, Independent Medical Evaluations (IMEs/QMEs/Impairment ratings), Injury Management, Medical clearance for Respirator Use, Medical Review Officer (MRO) services, Medical Surveillance (e.g., OSHA and MSHA-required), Pre-placement Exams, Pulmonary Function Testing (Spirometry), Respirator Fit Testing, Workers’ Compensation Claims Filing Support, Other
B-reading of chest radiographs, Case Management, Medical Directorship services, Onsite Occupational Health Services

Julie O'Neil
Clinical Director Occupational Medicine Services

Services, Tests and Common Diagnoses

Allergies-Occupational, Asbestos-related Disease, Asthma-Occupational, Building-related Disease, Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis (Black Lung Disease), Contact Dermatitis, Exposure evaluations (chemical, metal, biological etc.), Injuries-Work-related, Lung Disease-Occupational, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Noise-induced hearing loss, Silica-related Diseases, Other

Inside the Clinic

Robert Gerbo, MD – Director
Brian Huggins, DO
Marcus Cervantes, MD
Jennifer Lultschik, MD
Christopher Martin, MD

WVU Medicine
WVU School of Public Health
WVU School of Medicine

Medical Residency-Occupational/Environmental Medicine, Rotations for Medical Students and Residents, Rotations for Nursing Students, Training programs for Workers and Supervisors

Other Locations